BDD is a serious anxiety disorder that is characterised by a debilitating preoccupation and distress over one's appearance and by time-consuming behaviours such as mirror gazing, comparing features to those of others and excessive camouflaging tactics to hide the person's perceived defect. Some people's anxiety causes them to try to completely avoid their reflection. BDD is often associated with strategies designed to change one's appearance in an attempt to relieve the anxiety the person experiences. Cosmetic treatments, as well as a desire for plastic surgery, are important features for many people who have BDD. Another indicator can be the process of reassurance seeking from others about one's appearance.
Body image concerns may be overlooked, misinterpreted and misunderstood and as a result, diagnosis can take a long time. Whilst BDD is left unidentified and untreated, it can become more entrenched and hence harder to overcome. Treatment options may be limited and finding and accessing support from those who understand and have relevant experience can be extremely challenging.
If you have concerns or distress about your appearance that interrupts your life and relationships it is advisable to speak with a professional about this as soon as possible.