Specialist Counselling Services for Schools

Our therapists specialise in the prevention and treatment of body image disorders, other Anxiety Disorders and relationship and sex education. With anxiety reaching record levels in young people we offer group and individual therapy and psychoeducation to pupils. This can form part of your school's PSHE and RSE curriculum.

Training for teachers and other professionals working with people who have BDD. Face to Face workshops can be organised nationally and internationally for therapists, multi-disciplinary teams and in schools and colleges.


If you are a therapist working with clients who experience appearance anxiety or BDD we offer supervision and support. We also provide workshops and training for therapists who want to learn more about working with appearance anxiety.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements- we aim to be flexible!


The Centre may offer consultancy in partnership with the individual funding body. We can meet with the psychiatric team and help put together a Person-Centered Care Plan tailored to their requirements and that of the patient in question.

Raising Awareness about BDD

Prevention strategies are an essential part of our work

Want to work with us?

We want to make access to therapy easier and quicker and help people find appropriately skilled and informed therapists.

Contact Us